The Magic of a Snickers

The other ‘top 10’ essential


This is my one absolute Must Have adventure-with-kids tool

I’m not one to use candy as a motivational tool but it is the one item that I carry on any outdoor adventure. One full size candy bar for each kid. My son caught on when he was about eight. We were at the grocery store and I grabbed 3 of them as they were on sale. He said “Cool, when are we going hiking?”. Once I knew my secret weapon was no longer secret I just made them well aware of the method.

So how does the Snickers apply? When the kids get to that point where they just don’t feel like they can go any further, I pull it out. This might be when they get too cold on the lift. It might be when the final stretch of a hill is just too steep. The rain may be penetrating clothing. But it’s the moment when you need another 30 minutes to get to the right spot. The sugar gives them a slight rush, the excitement of a big candy bar helps pull them out emotionally and 9 times out of 10, hunger is part of the problem. Kids have wicked fast metabolisms and cold, exercise, they take it out of them. Getting some protein (peanuts!) in there helps with the hunger pans.

You need to know your situation and how your kids will manage. Sometimes it’s enough time to do that last run down the slope and get to the car. Sometimes it’s enough to get a little further down the trail for lunch & water. Or to the next distraction that will take their mind off of it.

The kids now self-manage their Snickers bar which gives them a great tool to practice self-awareness of how tired, cold, and done they are in the activity.


Getting into Backpacking