Healthy Snacking

A big part of getting kids outdoors with the right mindset is their nutrition. Kids need healthy foods that sustain them through the day to keep their emotions, mindset and bodies strong. Hearing the stories of some kids who come to outdoor camp with chips and soda for lunch, and then not having the stamina to last is not surprising.

To create more excitement in healthy eating AND to give the kids more freedom in managing their food we created the ‘Anytime Snack Drawer’. This often becomes the fruit and vegetable drawer but I add a variety of healthy items in there that they can snack on anytime, no need to ask. Things like cheese sticks, yogurt, homemade granola bars, meat slices and then occasionally I surprise them by adding something totally crazy and random. A snack surprise that has been as healthy as dried seaweed or as unhealthy as chocolate cake. It still makes me smile to think of the day my youngest came running into my office telling me there was chocolate cake in the Anytime Snack Drawer!


Letting Kids Take the Lead


It’s Not the Destination